New construction of service building with switchyard at Dresden Reick substation
Cable entries with HSI150, HEA, ZVR und HSD

The Dresden-based utility company DEWAG Netz GmbH is the client for this new substation. The task at the substation was the construction of a new service building and a 110-kV switchyard with foundations for transformers. The construction company TS-Bau from Glaubitz was commissioned for the project, following planning carried out by the Dresden engineering Böhme & Partner. HSI150 K2 cable entries, earthings and press seals were used.

Concreting of the service building was carried out in several stages.

The cable entries were integrated in the armouring and fastened to the formwork by means of the pre-drilled nail holes.

In addition to the cable entries, earthing entries suitable for connection to the formwork were also used.

Various entry situations were implemented using HSI150 package versions of different sizes.

The HSI150 in package configuration is the optimal cable entry solution. It enables a high installation density with minimum space requirements.

After concreting the basement on-site, the service building was erected using prefabricated concrete walls.
Hauff-Technik solutions | |
Pressure-tight cable entries for connecting system covers for cables and pipes
Gas-proof and watertight building entries
Products used
Verwendete Produkte
Double wall insert
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